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Why Consciousness Matters?
Since a child, it has made me sad and angry to see people, especially children, girls, and women suffer because of inequality, violence, and abuse. I have become aware that the same issues are brought up in media and news decade after decade. We have not done enough during my lifetime of 40 years.
I love how the consciousness of climate change has raised its voice recently throughout the world, and I am concerned about the counter-powersof destructive leadership. If we don't act on developing and changing the way we lead ourselves and the world, we will continue the confrontation, and that has no good end result.
Everyone and everything is part of this world, our universe where everything is connected. Don't close your eyes and continue living without taking action. Helping individuals, organizations, governments, and leaders to become aware of their impact as is my mission in life. It is yours and mine, OUR RESPONSIBILITY to bring peace and ensure a good life for our children and the earth.
This is why the Conscious Leadership initiative started 2019. I realized I can combine my leadership development work with social responsibility and have an impact. As a result of all this we created Empowering Women in Vulnerable Communities Coaching program with Aina Giving. That journey kicked of by coaching 20+ women (some of them here in the picture) in Kenya in 2019-2020 and lead to other projects we have done as service to our worldwide community.
If you are interested in hearing more, sharing your wisdom, advising, or being part of the journey somehow, please don't be a stranger. We are in this together. Let's change make a difference together.
Conscious Leadership
What Is The Impact of Your Leader Within
We have a dream of businesses that are built on values, purpose, and connection.
As leaders, we create a culture based on who we are and what we long for in life. It's important to be conscious of our own creation as it makes possible to build a successful business and caring culture, and, of course, the opposite.
Aligning your personal values and purpose with the organizational ones will be the key to success now and in the future.
Marika <3
Conscious Leadership balances the global common good and individual self-interests. It is leadership guided by a vision and driven by values that target not only the success of the organization but also the well-being of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, partners, society and the environment.
- International Center For Conscious Leadership -
Conscious leaders speak with integrity, lead with authenticity and hold themselves accountable. They listen with the intent to understand and not just to respond, and they do it by being in tune with themselves and the world around them.
- Forbes -
With a cohort of coaches all around the world we paying it forward with pro bono coaching programs in Kenya. Instead of financing, empowering the individuals participating in the programs to make things possible for them. The current team coaching and individual coaching program we running is for a Finnish-Kenyan Home Street Home ry.
Co-Active Leadership Model
Through Conscious Leadership You:
Understand your impact on others and the world around you
Learn how to navigate conflict, how to design your responses and recover from being triggered
Learn how to have conversations that deepen intimacy with others
Know how to respond instead of react, putting relationships first
Stretch yourself, your capabilities, and your actions beyond your imagination and comfort zone
Learn how to frame powerful questions that evoke the conversations needed to grow your own leadership and the leadership of others
Co-Active Leadership

REDI School Coaching
I have done pro bono coaching for REDI School employees since 2018. I love my work and want to pay it forward. REDI School is a non profit organization teaching technology to break down barriers and connecting the digital leaders of tomorrow in Munich, Berlin, Denmark and online.
“I was surprised that I achieved a lot of goals I set for myself this year. I learned that it's ok to mess up, and things needs a lot of time to be mastered, and that it's never too late to master anything in life. I am more self confident, self -controlled and I love myself more. Once I started doing things that I love, everything became more relaxing and I was more concentrated, it's like feeling reconciled with myself made things successfully contagious in all aspects of life. “
Self-managing Teams
I have been supporting Dingle in their journey in changing the way they lead the company; from more traditional way to self-managed direction. We have worked together with the basis of organisational development, self-management and supporting individuals and teams.
We have measured the development with Teambook Team Quality Survey, first in January 2019 and now in August 2019 and the results give positive boost forward and point out clear development tasks. My role has been advising/consulting, facilitating workshops and coaching the teams and individuals.
Hill Audit Leadership Coaching
For Hill Audit I planned and executed a five month leadership coaching program for two new members of the leadership team. We dived into the topics of who they are as leaders, what is their impact, how to grow and develop as leader from their individual needs etc. We used Barret’s Individual Values Assessment in supporting the process and understanding the values that are important for them and how they are aligned with their work and life.
“What was most important for me in this process was understanding better where I am now with my growth through Barret’s Seven Levels of Consciousness Model, how I can impact on others by paying attention to listening, deepening my learning on my values and how to support feedback culture. I am very satisfied with Marika as a Coach and how she implemented the program. “
For the whole Hill Audit team, I planned and conducted “Taming The Time” workshop on wellbeing and how they can individually, and, as a team, take care of and support each others' wellbeing.
“Todella hyödyllinen aihe ja helppo toteuttaa keskustelut tällaisessa pienemmässä työyhteisössä. Valmentaja johti hyvin keskustelua ja piti jokaisen vastausta arvokkaana.”
“Mielestäni valmennus oli sisällöltään erittäin hyvä ja pidin Marikan rennosta valmennustyylistä. Positiivista oli, että valmennuksen sisältö oli mitoitettu juuri oikein käytettävissä olevaan aikaan (eli ei liikaa asiaa lyhyessä ajassa).”
“Hyvä innostava valmentaja ja aihekokonaisuus”
Leadership Team Coaching
With MPY, I have worked with their leadership team since January 2019. We started off with Barret’s Small Group Assessment to understand the current state of they leadership team dynamics.
Based on the results, we started working towards more cohesive team. We decided to conduct Barret’s Leadership Value Assessments (360) for all team members to kick off their personal development.
My role at MPY has been to coach the leaders in their development, facilitating workshops and support the CEO in developing the leadership team.
"Our management team was non-uniform post merger. With Marika's mentoring and coaching both on the team level and with the individuals, we were able to unify the leadership team, resulting in the company to regain its lost mojo. Barrett's value based leadership system is a very powerful tool for transforming leadership in any company, especially when such a gifted, talented and heartfelt coach as Marika is on the helm. I would recommend her for any company or leader, who wants to step on the journey of value based leadership."
Pekka Mettälä CEO, MPY
YritysHelsinki Coaching
With YritysHelsinki I have been working as an external coach since autumn 2018. I support the employees in diverse matters related to their life and work. Our goal is to support their work wellbeing and professional growth. People book me for one-off sessions or regularly.
“Keskustelut ovat syventäneet omaa ajattelua siitä, mikä on itselle tärkeää, ja edistänyt osaltaan itsereflektiota. Myös käytetty malli on ollut erittäin mielenkiintoinen, ja olisi mielenkiintoista soveltaa sen tyyppistä ajattelua myös omassa työssä asiakkaiden kanssa.”
“Coachingin on tuonut uutta näkökulmaa niin työhön kuin vapaa-aikaankin. Coaching on ollut kokonaisvaltaista ja henkilökohtaisesti tuonut useampia oivalluksia.”
“Coaching on ”pakottanut” ajattelemaan omaa jaksamista, hyvinvointia ja työntekoa, ja yleensä koko elämääkin! Mm. ajankäytön priorisointi, uusien ajatusten herättäminen, konkreettset neuvot ja harjoitteet, keskustelu haasteista ja vahvuuksista.”
“On ollut hyödyllistä jakaa ulkopuolisen kanssa ajatuksia työhön liittyen ja saanut tukea. Varmistusta omaan ammatti-identiteettiin.”
With AXA I have been helping the Nordic leaders to accelerate culture transformation. Our project started in 2019 and is still ongoing. I have been working with the leaders and the multicultural teams providing them tools, coaching, and training on self-leadership. We have deeply worked with personal/organizational values, motivation, our defense mechanisms, conflict resolution, and asking, giving, receiving feedback.
“The coaching sessions with Marika have been insightful and inspiring. We have never before had this level of discussion within our team. I think it is important and valuable to continue the work both on personal and the team level."